Researched, Written, Designed and illustrated



The design of a perfect divine ontelijontic bodysoul (intelligent being) is the creation of the loving language of an exalted divine designer. All that is imperfect was created by the languages of those who were created during their evolution. Ruti Aahava 2004

The formation of different languages and of distinct species, and the proofs that both have been developed through a gradual process, are curiously parallel.  Darwin 1871


Are we the most intelligent beings in the universe?

Well, even though we have a sophisticated brain and are pretty clever, our brains have not reached their full potential and we cannot claim as yet the title of being super intelligent.

As intelligent as we are, we still have no idea of who we are and what our brains are capable of, who is living in our galaxy or in this universe.

What we do know is that the language areas within our brain are what make us special and separates us from other animals.

If we view our physical life as a linguistic creation, the equation of everything that exists becomes,

L= F    Language = Fizikaliti (physicality)

Language is defined as a structured system for exchanging information and communication, encompassing various forms of expression. 

Symbolic language includes verbal communication, both internal and external, as well as writing and a lexicon of words. It also involves syntax, grammar and semantics to convey meaning. Additionally, language can be expressed in music and visual forms such as signs, symbols and images. 

Non linguistic language includes metabolic processes, movements, signals, motility, expressions, various sounds and chemical signals. 


Fizikaliti (physicality) refers to anything related to both living and inanimate tangible materials that exhibit properties such as size, colour, texture, and motion. It encompasses characteristics such as mass, volume, shape, and density, as well as sensations perceived through the senses, such as touch, sight, and sound. In broader terms, physicality can also encompass energy, forces, and interactions between particles.


Language creates physical reality.

There is a close bond between the language we produce or speak and our genetics and physical reality. The words we speak manifest into physical reality and collectively create changes in our DNA.

We live in a vibrating universe. The whole of nature is constantly vibrating. Even inanimate objects that appear motionless are vibrating, oscillating and resonating at extremely subtle levels of frequencies.

Everything that vibrates creates sound that affects physical reality, even if it is outside of our hearing range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

The different sound frequencies produced by the words we speak and their meanings, not only activate the neurons in our brain, but also affect every single cell in our bodysoul.

Everything that exists in our local surroundings and since globalization also in other distant places is affected by the words we speak.

Every spoken word in the symbolic language has a tremendous energetic power. When a new word is added to the language, it creates changes or innovations, and when one stops saying a certain word it ceases to exist in physical reality.

When a new language evolves it always creates new animals or plants, multicelled or single celled organisms!

A good example of this phenomenon can be seen in Australia, as well as in isolated Islands, where a number of unique and unusual animals live and plants grow, because they were completely separated from the other organisms living on the planet for many years, developing their own unique languages.

Basing my research on this equation, I would like to share with you this new pioneering approach as to how we evolved.

Two types of languages created us to be who we are today.

1. The divine all loving, perfect, ideal and harmonious language created divine intelligent beings living everywhere in the universe, referred to as the ontelijonts, we or us.

2. The different languages that were produced or spoken by us, the divine ontelijonts as we evolved.

At every stage of our divine ontelijontic evolution, the languages we produced or spoke created changes to the perfect genetic code that ‘Aahava (love) the divine’ said and brought first into being, and reshaped our physical bodysouls. (Body and soul connected as one.)

By the name ‘Aahava the divine’ I mean, the most exalted source of divine love frequency that exists, manifesting in a utopian physical reality of an ideal infinite life in a perfect ontelijontic bodysoul and spirit, of the purest joy, happiness, grace and perfection.

Depending on the language, some divine ontelijonts continued to develop and advance to their next divine evolutionary stage. While others changed physically so much that they diverged from the divine ontelijontic lineage, creating entirely new species.

As soon as the new species came into being, they continued to develop their own independent languages creating more changes to their genetic sequence.

Some languages created too many genetic changes that ended their lives on this planet, while other languages created genetic changes that formed new subspecies or completely new animals, some of which are extremely exotic and strange.

And once again as the divine ontelijonts evolved, and new languages evolved, they created new species and so on…

For example, a stage in our evolution when the first divine ontelijontic eukaryotic cell evolved into the spherical multicellular stage occurred about 2,100 to 900 mega (million) years ago.

When new species branch off from the ontelijontic evolutionary lineage, their bodysouls remain homogeneous (the same kind, having similar traits) to the stage from which they diverged.

It is as if their DNA freezes up in time and they can only shuffle their genes around, duplicating or deleting them, switching them on or off, or create new alleles. (Alleles are the slight variations that occur in the DNA bases A, C, G, T of the same gene.)

These new species continue to evolve and advance within the limits of their genetic composition, creating separate evolutionary lineages from the ontelijonts, and their own phylogenetic trees. (Phylogenetic trees are the evolutionary relationships among the different species.)

Our ontelijontic evolution was a linear process from simple to complex, meaning that every organ and system in our bodysouls evolved once.

This simple linear evolutionary process is the way all life forms evolve. They can advance within their genetic limitations, devolve (evolve backwards) losing some of their traits, or stop living on this planet.

About 98-99% of all species that ever lived on this planet no longer exist here.

There are three main reasons why they no longer live on our garden planet.

1. The various species that diverged from the ontelijonts change physically all the time, because their languages are constantly changing.

Sometimes linguistic changes create completely different animal species. For example a group of two legged dinosaurs known as theropods evolved into modern birds.

2. The languages of the various animal species created genetic changes that did not enable their continued existence on this planet.

3. The languages of the various animal species created radical changes to the ecosystem, fundamentally changing our planet’s climate to such an extent that they were unable to adapt to these changes.

The variety of life on this planet is huge. The relationships and interactions between the different animal species are extremely complex.

Working out and piecing together the evolutionary lineages within lineages, each evolving at different rates, over different time periods, is an enormously challenging task.

The most frequently asked question about evolution is, if we evolved from the apes, why do apes still live here?

This is a good question and the answer is simple.

We did NOT evolve from the apes, the apes evolved from us!

The genus Pan (scientific name) consists of two modern extant species, the chimpanzees with four or possibly five subspecies and the closely related bonobos.

The bonobos are a more gracile specie that diverged from an ancestral chimpanzee about 930,000 years ago. (In English, the word ‘species’ is spelled the same way for both singular and plural forms. However, in this publication, the word ‘specie’ is used specifically to refer to the singular form of ‘species’).

The reason why the modern chimpanzees have subspecies is because they live in different geographical locations and each population has evolved a slightly different language.

The bonobos on the other hand have no subspecies, because their population is concentrated in one geographical area and their language is mostly uniform.

About 10 – 7 mega years ago (mya) or possibly earlier, a group of ontelijonts developed a language that changed their DNA and they branched off from the rest of the ontelijontic evolutionary lineage.

At that time, their physical features were similar to ours. Over time, our genetic structure continued to evolve, leading to us, the divine ontelijonts. Meanwhile, their genetic structure remained similar to when they diverged from us, giving rise to the current great apes, who also evolved since, creating their own distinct evolutionary lineage.

Having diverged from us when the range of our vocalisation was limited and the language areas of our brain were not fully formed, their evolutionary advancement will be limited to the genetics they had at the time of divergence.

The evolutionary lineages of chimpanzees and bonobos will either continue to evolve or cease to exist on this planet, depending on the development of their language.


What we say manifests into physical reality.

The different languages that were produced or spoken in the past and what we are currently saying is manifesting in our genomic and physical reality.

The loving divine language created the perfect bodysoul and a unique brain for each and every one of us.

What is so remarkable about our brain is that the divine created for us a brain that is not only capable of storing a huge amount of new information and remembering it, but also a brain with the ability to speak a symbolic language that is the mechanism for changing our genetics and physical reality.

In the past scientists thought that neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain, only occurred during our embryonic stage of development and that we were limited to the neurons we were born with.

More recent research shows that neurogenesis is a lifelong process.

We not only sculpt our minds both individually and collectively through our experiences, thoughts and life choices, but can also create genetic changes to our genomes with the words we choose to speak.

By collectively understanding how the vast diversity of life was created and what causes the beneficial and undesirable changes in our DNA and bodysouls, we will have the ability to understand who we are, where we came from, completely heal our bodysouls, grow new organs and consequently reshape our future evolutionary process consciously, knowledgeably and intelligently.


Physical symbol symbolising physical reality = Alefaf (divine alphabet) from Aleph to Af (infinity) symbolising language.

It is difficult to determine the precise rate of our evolutionary stages, as they are influenced by various factors such as genetics, environmental conditions, language and collective behavior.

According to the fossil record and the geological timeline, our evolution is divided into distinct stages, each stage being more complex, developed and advanced than the previous one.

Darwin’s insight that all living beings are related to one another is a fact that is supported by biochemistry and molecular biology.

With some minor exceptions, the cells of all the living beings on this planet have a uniform genetic code structure and are composed of the same set of 20 amino acids.

This unity of composition shows that the phylogenetic trees of the most diverse animal species on this planet share a common ancestor.

If we go back in time to the different stages of our evolution, the common ancestors of all the different species that exist will always be us, the ontelijonts.

Going back in time to about 630 – 570 mega years ago, is an example of early species that branched from our evolutionary lineage, when our nervous system, digestion and circulatory systems were only beginning to form.

The Platyhelminthes phylum that separated from us 630 mega years ago contains over 25,000 known living species. 

The Nematoda phylum that separated from us 589 mega years ago contains over 28,000 known living species. 

The Echinodermata phylum that separated from us 570 mega years ago contains over 7,000 known living species.

New fossil discoveries or new data and genetic information that change the understanding of our evolutionary timeline, often create changes to the taxonomy models.

Based on the current model of the phylogenetic evolutionary tree, I propose that the traditional branching tree of life stemming from a single trunk, be replaced by a linear progression representing our ontelijontic evolution, from which at different periods of time or different stages of our evolution, the huge diversity of animal species branched and evolved from us.

The major linear stages of our ontelijontic evolution are symbolically numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on… From each stage the arrows point to a new phylogenetic tree that was created by the languages we and other animal species produced or spoke. (The phylogenetic trees are symbolic for illustrative purposes only and are not scientifically accurate.)


Most of the animal species that ever lived on this planet never became fossilized. Thus the findings of all the intermediate transitions of our ontelijontic evolution are not possible.

When the intermediate fossils are missing from the fossil record and a large gap is created in our ontelijontic evolution, there are other ways to know how the intermediate stages may have developed or looked like.

1. There are distinct similarities between our embryonic stages from the first cell to birth and then to adulthood, to the homologous stages of our ontelijontic evolution, from the first single eukaryotic cell that started evolving on this planet, to a fully grown multicellular complex ontelijontic being speaking a symbolic language.

Similarly to the embryonic fetal development in the watery environment of the womb, our evolution began in the water. After the lungs evolved we took our first breath, and after we crawled out of the water on four limbs and stood upright on two legs, we started walking and so on…

2. Genetics can also yield important information about the ontelijontic evolution and provide some very interesting clues that might help to fill the gap of the missing intermediate stages. By comparing large amounts of genomic data, and identifying genes that are common among species, scientists can identify the close relationships between the various animal species.

3. Another way of understanding how we evolved, is to look at living fossils that are actually extant (still living today) animal species that belong to phylogenetic trees that separated from us during the stages of our evolution.

The timeline of evolution is constantly being refined and updated as new discoveries are being made and new information is gathered.

To determine our evolutionary timeline scientists use a combination of different dating methods.

1. Absolute dating. To estimate the age of rocks or fossils and give them an actual date in years, scientists use an absolute dating method based on measuring the decay rates of radioactive elements.

For fossils less than about 60 mil (thousand) years old they use the Carbon 14 dating method and for the older fossils or rocks, such as meteorites as old as 4.5 giga (billion) years, they use the Potassium Argon 40 dating method.

2. Relative dating. Relative dating is another method that places the fossils on a timeline according to their location in the rock strata. This method does not give an actual date but places the geological events in a chronological order.

3. Molecular clock. The molecular clock technique is a relatively new method for estimating evolutionary timelines from genetic and biochemical data.

The molecular clock method was first introduced in the early 1960s and has since undergone considerable development and advancement. This method measures and compares the number of mutations that accumulate over time in the genetic sequence of different animal species, which helps to understand the evolutionary relationships between them, making it possible to estimate the time they diverged from us, the divine ontelijonts, or from other animal species.

When the mutation rate among animal species is constant, the estimated divergence time is fairly accurate. However, genetics is more complex than previously thought. Current data shows that there are different mutation rates among animal species, even those that belong to the same family. There are also different mutation rates in different regions of the same genome because some genes accumulate mutations faster than others.

Despite the many challenges and the inaccuracies this method has yielded in the past, this method is advancing. Advances in genetic technology and the latest methods of genetic research are becoming more refined, periodically adding innovative information that updates our evolutionary timeline, providing further insights into understanding the evolution of life.

Each of the following chapters represents a stage of our ontelijontic evolution.

In order to illustrate the huge amount of time it took us to become who we are today, I added two timelines one in years and the other in days.

Even though our planet’s rotation is irregular and in the past the days were shorter than they are today, to illustrate our evolution in days I multiplied the years according to the contemporary 365.25 day calendar and rounded the result.

My feeling is that the stages of our ontelijontic evolution occurred much earlier than the times published so far. Whenever older fossils are discovered, or new genetic findings are published, the evolutionary timeline moves back to an earlier period of time.

The evolutionary times appear with the number names of the International System of Units (SI) known as the Metric System. Deco (ten), Cento (hundred), Mil (thousand), were inspired by the names Deci (one tenth), Centi (one hundredth), and Milli, and (one thousandth). From Mega (million), Giga (billion), Tera (trillion) and onwards, the number names are unchanged.

The information presented in this publication was gathered from biologists, palaeontologists, geologists, archaeologists, geneticists, and other scientific researchers. 

The illustrations that appear in the chapters are not to scale and are not scientifically accurate, they are stylised for illustrative purposes only.


Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved to Ruti Aahava.